Salt Life Caribbean Youtube channel

After one sip, you’ll crawl home on yer belly like a gator.

In thumbing through my magical book that gives me an abundant supply of cleverly named boat drinks, Swamp Water caught my eye. As I write this I can hear the noisy chatter of a thousand frogs and a slew of other swamp inhabiting creatures. My building backs up to a tidal river and swamp. Any time we get rain (like today) the swamp explodes with noise. Just some randy lower life-forms looking for love right?

Swamp Water Recipe

1 jigger Rum
1/2 jigger Orange Juice
1/2 jigger Lemon Juice
3 dashes Blue Curacao

Fill rocks glass with ice. Add ingredients. Stir. Garnish. Raise glass and toast.

I found a few other recipes for Swamp Water which included Brandy and Vodka if you like that type of thing. I’ll stick to the rum.

Let me know if you give this one a try.

Over and out from somewhere south,

P.S. – Leaving soon? These recommended links below will help you save money and book your trip:

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About the Author: RumShopRyan

Just a salty pirate looking to explore and document the wonders of the Caribbean. Professional blogger, rum judge, consultant, marketer, and consumer of blue water beauty. To learn more, visit our About Us Page.