Salt Life Caribbean Youtube channel

It’s such a romantic idea. You’re strolling along the beach, taking in the smells, sounds and colors, when something alien catches your eye. At first glance it looks like trash that has washed ashore, but as you creep closer it transforms into so much more. You have just stumbled across a half buried glass bottle with what seems to be a piece of paper inside. You have just found yourself a real life message in a bottle.

Finding a message in a bottle on a deserted beach in the Caribbean may seem like a unrealistic fairy tale, but it happens. It happens a lot more than you think. I’ve read that the islands of Antigua and Barbuda are some of the best places to find these ocean time capsules. People walk certain windward beaches on these islands daily and can find several bottles a week. I believe it has something to do with a looping ocean current from Africa that turns north right where Antigua and Barbuda are located.

Can you imagine finding one of these bottles, opening it, and looking at note that was written years, if not decades earlier and in a different language? I don’t know about you, but that would be a story I would be telling for some time.

Enjoy today’s Photo Friday and let us know if you’ve ever stumbled upon a message in a bottle. All us Castaways would love to hear your story!

Photo credit goes to Antiguan via flickr.

Daily Reminder – Please vote for me for the Marriott Beach Blogger contest. You can vote once every 24 hours. Voting ends March 24th. Thanks!

Vote Here: Marriott Beach Blogger

Have a great weekend everyone.


Don’t forget, we are doing FREE Shipping on Castaways Koozies till March 15. 4 more days.

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P.S. – Leaving soon? These recommended links below will help you save money and book your trip:

We use all the companies listed here or on the resource page. By booking through these links, the small commission we earn helps us bring you more Caribbean content so that you can save money and have a better island vacation. Crystal and I greatly appreciate any support!

About the Author: RumShopRyan

Just a salty pirate looking to explore and document the wonders of the Caribbean. Professional blogger, rum judge, consultant, marketer, and consumer of blue water beauty. To learn more, visit our About Us Page.