Salt Life Caribbean Youtube channel

Red Solo Cup
I fill you up
Let’s have a party
Let’s have a party

What happens when you make a video with dozens of attractive women, a college house party, lots of red drink cups and a country music star? You get an instant cult classic hit.

Toby Keith’s new album drops tomorrow, and on it a fun song about the unassuming life of the party, the red solo cup. A song about a cup? Yes, watch the video below and you’ll see what I mean. The song called Red Solo Cup is catchy, addictive and if you’re not careful you’ll being singing its hook for days. Trust me it’s true, I’ve annoyed everyone around me the last few days with spontaneous outbursts of “Solo Cup!”

My buddy 007 introduced me to this video last weekend and it’s been in my head ever since. I now pass the disease on to you. Enjoy!

Red Solo Cup by Toby Keith

No, this song doesn’t have anything to do with the island lifestyle that we all love and neither does Toby Keith for that matter. I guess you could call his hit song, Stays In Mexico and island escape themed song, but that really doesn’t make him an island boy like some other singer/songwriters we know. What this song represents is simplicity, good times and a good toe-tapper. All songs don’t have to be deep and edgy, sometimes it’s okay to be absurd and be about a plastic drinking cup.

What do you think of the song? Are you addicted to it yet?


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About the Author: RumShopRyan

Just a salty pirate looking to explore and document the wonders of the Caribbean. Professional blogger, rum judge, consultant, marketer, and consumer of blue water beauty. To learn more, visit our About Us Page.