Salt Life Caribbean Youtube channel

After one sip, you’ll be jumping overboard to get another.

I think it was Pavlov who famously trained his dogs to begin salivating at the sound of a bell. They knew that the sound of that bell meant that food was coming and they began to salivate as a conditioned response. Last week aboard the Diamant was no different, the sound of a bell meant it was time for something to salivate over. And if it was 4pm then that something was “Swizzle Time”. My favorite part of the day.

So the bell would ring and the passenger would scurry to the aft deck and take a seat. Brandon, the Chief Steward aboard the Diamant, had appetizers and a pitcher of his special blend of fruit juices and rum ready for us. Each day the rum drink would be a little different but it still mainly consisted of rum, bitters, nutmeg, then some juice or juice combination. He wouldn’t spill all the juicy recipe details, but I was able to watch him prepare a few.

Diamant Rum Swizzle Recipe 1


  • 1.5oz. Grenadian Clarks Court Dark Rum (You can use other dark rums)
  • Dash Angostura Bitters
  • 5oz. Mango Juice
  • Dash Nutmeg

Mixing Instructions: Mix all ingredients into small glass. Stir. Raise glass and toast.

Simple, easy and the taste unreal. I can tell you right now that I don’t use Mango Juice nearly enough in my cocktail creations. These drinks that Brandon made up for us on a nightly bases were out of this world good. They set the mood for the evening and let everyone relax and take in the beautiful shoreline of the anchorage for that night.


Let me know if you decide to give this rum recipe a try. I guarantee you’ll be using more Mango Juice in your cocktails as well.


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About the Author: RumShopRyan

Just a salty pirate looking to explore and document the wonders of the Caribbean. Professional blogger, rum judge, consultant, marketer, and consumer of blue water beauty. To learn more, visit our About Us Page.